This post shows how to use Spring Boot and dependency injection with Apache Camel and have Spring add routes and start and stop CamelContext automatically. The Spring way for Apache Camel In the previous post, Spring Boot – Copy File
Access Embedded in-memory H2 Used in Spring Boot
When we use an embedded in-memory H2 database with Spring Boot, we can access the data via H2’s web console. If we use Spring Security, we need to exclude the /h2-console URL from the authentication process. You also need to
Convert Spring Boot to Deployable WAR for Tomcat
This post demonstrates how to convert your Spring Boot web application to a deployable WAR file for Tomcat.
Spring Boot – List all Beans loaded in the ApplicationContext
With Spring Boot, a lot of beans get loaded into the ApplicationContext depending on your dependencies selection. This post shows a code snippet used to list all the beans loaded in the ApplicationContext.
Spring Boot – Copy File to Another Directory using Apache Camel
This post demonstrates a basic use-case for using Apache Camel with Spring Boot – copy a file to another directory. This basic example will enable you to understand other concepts.
Spring Boot – Loading Data Using a SQL Script
This post demonstrates how loading data from an SQL script for a particular database platform. This is ideal for development stage when you need some seed data to fill in existing database tables.
Spring Boot – Embedded ActiveMQ
This post demonstrates how to embed an ActiveMQ instance in Spring Boot and produce/consume messages with a simple example.
Spring Boot – How to use @Conditional in your own codes
This post demonstrates how to use the @Conditional annotation which is the workhorse of Spring Boot’s automatic configuration. You may also use this technique in your own codes.
Create a Kotlin-based Spring Boot project using IntelliJ IDEA
This post demonstrates how to create a Kotlin-based Spring Boot project using IntelliJ IDEA. It also creates a simple command-line application that leverages Spring’s Dependency Injection.
Spring MVC with Spring Boot, Kotlin, and Thymeleaf
This post shows a sample Spring MVC application developed with Spring Boot, Kotlin, and Thymeleaf. Generally speaking, it is now possible and safe to port your Java-based Spring MVC application codes to Kotlin or start writing new Spring MVC applications in Kotlin already.