Java, Software Development, Spring

Using @Conditional with @Configuration in Spring

Using @Conditional with @Configuration in Spring allows us to group @Bean objects loaded on a specific condition without resorting to using @Profile and too many @Bean/@Conditional.


We used the following items for this post.

  • Spring Boot 2.0.4.RELEASE
  • JDK 8
  • IntelliJ IDEA

Grouping Beans into Two in Spring

1. All-English Configuration

The @Configuration class contains all beans that give out String values in English. For example, consider the following codes.

The Condition implementation for this is as follows:

2. All-German Configuration

This @Configuration class contains all beans that give out String values in the German language. Consider the following codes.

The Condition implementation for this is as follows:

Test @Conditional and @Configuration in Spring

To toggle between languages, we explicitly set either one of the system properties – “English” or “German” – and run within the IDE.

Then, we can test our codes by switching between languages using a property. For example, when we want to display a message in German, we could use the “German” system property, which is equivalent to -Dgerman="any value".

Meanwhile, when we want to display a message in English, we use the “English” system property. Also, this is equivalent to -Denglish="any value".

Download Spring @Conditional and @Configuration Sample Codes

For more information, please download the codes from this GitHub repository.

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