Software Development

Remove Duplicate Fonts in PDF Files

The solutions to things are just out there awaiting discovery. You just need to dig a little bit deeper and do a research. When you combine PDFs using tools like Pdftk or Apache PDFBox, fonts get accumulated and they have, specially embedded ones, direct impact on merged PDF file’s size.

Java, Software Development, Tomcat

Connecting Tomcat 7 Web Application to Database Using JNDI

Several weeks ago, I looked at the some decompiled Java codes from a fairly small web application that basically records cheque numbers and generates reports. To my surprise, it was written in dreadful codes full of clutter and signs of haste! I almost cried. Just imagine the following code littered all around the application and entangled by a lot of package-level instance variables. Not to mention the SQL-statements-in-Servlets type of design pattern.