It is incredible how we can modify Tomcat to help hasten the development. This post will demonstrate how to use Tomcat JDBC Realm, which uses an RDBMS for Basic HTTP Authentication. This could cut down development time and effort for
Host multiple databases in a HSQLDB server
On this post, we’ll host multiple databases in a single HsqlDB server running locally on a Windows machine. The following are additional details about the Software application used. [wp_ad_camp_5] 1. HSQLDB 2.3.3 2. Windows 7 64-bit 3. Java 8 (JRE
Connecting Tomcat 7 Web Application to Database Using JNDI
Several weeks ago, I looked at the some decompiled Java codes from a fairly small web application that basically records cheque numbers and generates reports. To my surprise, it was written in dreadful codes full of clutter and signs of haste! I almost cried. Just imagine the following code littered all around the application and entangled by a lot of package-level instance variables. Not to mention the SQL-statements-in-Servlets type of design pattern.