Software Development

Host multiple databases in a HSQLDB server

On this post, we’ll host multiple databases in a single HsqlDB server running locally on a Windows machine. The following are additional details about the Software application used.


1. HSQLDB 2.3.3
2. Windows 7 64-bit
3. Java 8 (JRE is enough)

There are 5 Server Modes – Server, Web Server, Servlet, In-process, and Memory-only. We’ll only use Server and Web Server modes on this post. For more information on these modes, please visit


The use the server mode, we use runServer.bat. For Web Server mode, we use runWebServer.bat.

Server Mode

Using runServer.bat.


Web Server Mode

Using runWebServer.bat.


List of Databases

We have two databases here. To host all of them, include them in the paramter list of either .bat file.

Database Files

These are the files generated for the databases.




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