Rust, Software Development

Working with Actix-Web HTTP Requests

When working with Actix-Web, we sometimes need to access incoming HTTP requests to inspect for some values. In that case, we need to use the HttpRequest struct either in request handlers and middlewares. Cargo.toml We will use the following dependencies

Rust, Software Development

Show Rust Dependencies Using Cargo

It is now possible to show Rust dependencies using Cargo. Before Rust 1.44.0, there was not a built-in method to display a dependency graph. There was a plugin, though, called cargo-tree. Show Rust Dependencies Using Cargo-tree With the cargo-tree plugin,

Rust, Software Development

Swap Between Vec Elements in Rust

Swapping between Vec elements in Rust can be a little tricky. The get method returns Option<&T>, and the lone swap method accepts an index and a value – not a reference. There is an alternative, though. But it uses unsafe codes.


Lenovo T495 R12HT51W BIOS Update

Lenovo T495 R12HT51W BIOS update may cause Windows 10 to not load during system start-up. It may not be related to Windows updates KB4552931 and KB45565799 because I have those updates in my system before upgrading to that version of

PHP, Software Development

WordPress Plugin And Composer

This post quickly shows the basic usage of WordPress Plugin and Composer. We are to use a PHP library within our own already existing WordPress Plugin. Composer We can use Composer with a WordPress plugin. The composer is a dependency