Software Development

Configure AWS Toolkit for Eclipse with Account Credentials

This post briefly demonstrates how to configure the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse– 1) Create Access Keys in the AWS account, and 2) Use them for the AWS Toolkit plugin.


Stuff used.

  • AWS Account
  • Fast Internet Connection
  • Eclipse Mars.2 Release (4.5.2)
  • The AWS Toolkit Plugin for Eclipse
  • Java 8 – JDK

The AWS Toolkit Plugin


What is the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse?

The AWS Toolkit for Eclipse is an open source plug-in for the Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE) that makes it easier for developers to develop, debug, and deploy Java applications that use Amazon Web Services

Please visit this link for more information and important notes:

You may download the plugin from

Configure the Plugin

Install the plugin and restart in Eclipse. We then get this:

Access Key credentials needed

Step 1: Sign Up or log in to AWS account

Proceed to Your Security Credentials and click Access keys (access key ID and secret access key).

Your Security Credentials


Click Create New Access Key.

New Access Key has been created. It can downloaded or viewed (only once) immediately by click the Show Access Key link.

Access Key ID and Secret Access Key are displayed.


If we close the dialog, we will have this:

Step 2: Use Access Key in Eclipse

Provide the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. Click Next.

Click Finish.



From here and on, we can run simple applications within Eclipse.



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