This post shows a sample Spring MVC application developed with Spring Boot, Kotlin, and Thymeleaf. Generally speaking, it is now possible and safe to port your Java-based Spring MVC application codes to Kotlin or start writing new Spring MVC applications in Kotlin already.
Create Email in Spring Boot using Apache FreeMarker
Suppose our application needs to email in text or HTML format; how can we do that without changing a lot of codes? We use templates! Spring Boot makes it a lot easier working with Apache FreeMarker with FreeMarker Starter POMs.
Render XML using Thymeleaf
This post demonstrates how to render an XML to a file from a given XML template using Spring Boot and Thymeleaf.
Spring Boot + Spring Security with Multiple Login Forms and User Types
I’m working on some personal project that handles 4 different user types (e.g., students, instructors, registrar employees, security personnel). Each user type are stored in a separate user table. With this, I require four (4) login forms.