Docker, Rust, Ubuntu

Rust And Ubuntu 18.04 Docker Image

This post shows how to build a Ubuntu 18.04 Docker image with installed Rust. We can use the image to build Rust applications, but the codes are in the host Windows system. When we compile the codes, we need to

Rust, Software Development

Swap Between Vec Elements in Rust

Swapping between Vec elements in Rust can be a little tricky. The get method returns Option<&T>, and the lone swap method accepts an index and a value – not a reference. There is an alternative, though. But it uses unsafe codes.

Rust, Software Development

Show Rust Dependencies Using Cargo

It is now possible to show Rust dependencies using Cargo. Before Rust 1.44.0, there was not a built-in method to display a dependency graph. There was a plugin, though, called cargo-tree. Show Rust Dependencies Using Cargo-tree With the cargo-tree plugin,