This post demonstrates how loading data from an SQL script for a particular database platform. This is ideal for development stage when you need some seed data to fill in existing database tables.
Spring Boot – Access Spring ApplicationContext in JUnit Tests
This post shows how to access the Spring ApplicationContext object in JUnit tests. Now, why would we want to do that? Well, sometimes, we need to work directly with the ApplicationContext object. Spring, Java, and Other Requirements We used the
Easy Reflection using Spring ReflectionTestUtils
This post demonstrates how to get and set instance variables and invoke methods via the Reflection API using Spring ReflectionTestUtils. There are key reasons to do things via Reflection: 1) test non-public methods (not recommended, though), and 2) inaccessible instance variables (to mock).
Truncate MySQL Tables Before DBUnit Loads Data
This post shows how to truncate a table in MySQL before DbUnit loads data via @DatabaseSetup. Truncating the tables in the @Before method does not work because DBUnit loads the data first via @DatabaseSetup before delegating calls to a @Before
Execute specific unit test in Maven using Eclipse
Okay, your project has hundreds of unit tests, but you only need to execute one or perhaps only all tests from a JUnit test file. Maven allows for that, and Eclipse makes it more convenient. Eclipse JUnit Run Configuration With
JUnit 4 – Run Test Method More than Once
This post demonstrates how to perform repeated tests in JUnit 4 for this post. It involves creating a class that implements the TestRule interface, another class that implements Statement interface and a new annotation.
Group JUnit Test Cases using @Suite.SuiteClasses
Grouping Unit Tests [wp_ad_camp_5] At times there are certain set of unit tests we want to execute automatically. These tests may be critical or have been simply grouped for some reasons. To group JUnit test cases, we use @Suite.SuiteClasses annotation.
Find out if an object is a mock or spy in Mockito
The need for it [wp_ad_camp_5] Finding out if an object is a mock or spy in Mockito may not (or never) be part of your usual automated unit tests but in some cases (advanced usage of JUnit/Mockito) you may need
Mockito Spy
Spy Objects [wp_ad_camp_5] A Mockito spy allows us to create a spy object from a real object with similar behavior where each method can be stubbed out when needed. It is ideal for testing legacy code as you cannot invoke
Execute Tests in Order in JUnit 4
Using @FixMethodOrder [wp_ad_camp_5] To execute tests in a order in JUnit 4, annotate the class with @FixedMethodOrder passing one of enum MethodSorters items as parameter. Either one of the following can be used are parameter to @FixMethodOrder. MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING: This sorts