This post shows how to convert a comma-separated strings (CSVs) to a list and back. In Kotlin, we can create both immutable or mutable lists.
Java – Validate CSV using SuperCSV with custom CsvColumnProcessor
[wp_ad_camp_1] Validating CSV is super easy with SuperCSV and it will save your day. Assume that we have a requirement from the management to validate new employee data coming from different parts of the United States with the following constraints.
Parse CSV file using Apache Commons CSV
Why use CSV files? [wp_ad_camp_5] Sometimes we process data in bulk by reading them from files with specific format like CSV. This article demonstrates how to parse a CSV file using Apache Commons CSV. A CSV is a file format
Parse CSV file uploaded as MultipartFile using Apache Commons CSV
From MultiPartFile to Reader object [wp_ad_camp_5] The parse method only accepts a single object and you may need to convert the MultipartFile object to a Reader object. The MultipartFile class has the getInputStream() whose return value can be passed