Compare Strings in Rust – Functions And Operators

In any programming language, strings are essential. We’ll be hard-pressed to find any real-life application that doesn’t rely on strings. One of the everyday operations on strings is comparison. We can use the eq(), eq_ignore_ascii_case(), and == to compare strings

Spring Primary On Beans of a Class

We may not need the Spring Primary annotation on Beans of the same class, primarily when we use the @Bean annotation. When we have Java classes that implement the same interface, we will surely get the NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException exception. It happens

Spring Framework Minimum Dependency for IoC

Nowadays, most of us use Spring Boot, and we tend to skip the basics of the Spring Framework. Even those new to Spring would not think twice about turning to Spring Boot to develop new applications. Without Spring Boot, how

Angular Multiple Components With One EventEmitter

This post how to send messages from multiple Angular components using the same EventEmitter. We have three parts – AppComponents, AnotherComponent, and YetAnotherComponent. The setup is usually hierarchical, where we embed the selectors of AnotherComponent and YetAnotherComponent in AppComponent’s HTML.

Angular – Pass Data from One Component to Another

This post shows how to pass data from one component to another in Angular using @Input. Also, we embed a component’s selector in another component’s HTML. Therefore, in that sense, we are passing data from a parent to a child

Angular EventEmitter Child to Parent Component

This post shows how to pass data from the child component to the parent component using Angular EventEmitter. We have migrated the codes from Angular 7.20 to 15.0.0. Angular Requirements We used the following items for this post. Angular CLI

Easy Reflection using Spring ReflectionTestUtils

This post demonstrates how to get and set instance variables and invoke methods via the Reflection API using Spring ReflectionTestUtils. There are key reasons to do things via Reflection: 1) test non-public methods (not recommended, though), and 2) inaccessible instance variables (to mock).