Trim String Values From Properties Files in Spring Boot

This post demonstrates how to trim string values from .properties files using SpringApplicationBuilder and a subclass of or anonymous class of StandardEnvironment supplied to the builder with overridden getProperty(String) and getProperty(String, String) methods.

Validate Properties Files At Startup in Spring Boot

A .properties file contains lines of string pair. Each string pair consists of a parameter name (called the key), and parameter value. This post is about how to validate the parameter value at the application startup.

Spring Boot – How to unit test RESTful API URLs

This post demonstrates how to unit test RESTful API URLs using Spring Boot 1.5.10RELEASE. We basically just want to ensure the list of URLs still work and match what has been documented per specification.

Using An SFTP Server, Apache Camel and Spring Boot

Applications can communicate with each other in various means. One is by uploading and downloading files to and from an FTP server. But for development, we often test our applications on our local machines. Therefore, it makes sense to have

Spring Boot Asynchronous Controller Without External Queues

This post shows how to create an asynchronous web controller or endpoint in Spring Boot (or Spring in general). The codes won’t use external queues of any kind. However, they’ll use ThreadPoolTaskExecutor to run codes in the background without having

How to make HTTP Requests in Rust lang?

Applications do not solely rely on databases or end-users as their primary data source.  This fact is no less actual in complex applications. We can retrieve data from (or send to) a multitude of other sources like SFTP, queues, and

Spring Framework Basic AOP Example

AOP is one of those things in the Spring Framework that we might not need, even for basic implementation, which we have an example for in this post. But we should always consider using Spring AOP whenever possible to have