Using @Query to execute a MySQL function

Using @Query to execute a MySQL function as follows. Here is an example that uses Spring Data @Query to execute a MySQL function that returns a string value. Let’s say we have a MySQL function that returns a predefined text.

How to install Scala in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

This post demonstrates how to install Scala in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. JDK is required [wp_ad_camp_5] Before you can compile and run a Scala program, you need to have a JDK installed in your system. For instance, I am using OpenJDK

Host multiple databases in a HSQLDB server

On this post, we’ll host multiple databases in a single HsqlDB server running locally on a Windows machine. The following are additional details about the Software application used. [wp_ad_camp_5] 1. HSQLDB 2.3.3 2. Windows 7 64-bit 3. Java 8 (JRE

Point to local dependency in Maven using systemPath

[wp_ad_camp_1] Sometimes you may not have access to a repository and may need to go around it. If your colleagues have local copies of jar files needed to compile a whole Maven project, you may simply replace the content of

Group JUnit Test Cases using @Suite.SuiteClasses

Grouping Unit Tests [wp_ad_camp_5] At times there are certain set of unit tests we want to execute automatically. These tests may be critical or have been simply grouped for some reasons. To group JUnit test cases, we use @Suite.SuiteClasses annotation.

Parse CSV file using Apache Commons CSV

Why use CSV files? [wp_ad_camp_5] Sometimes we process data in bulk by reading them from files with specific format like CSV. This article demonstrates how to parse a CSV file using Apache Commons CSV. A CSV is a file format

Upload file using SOAP UI

Upload file using SOA UI This article demonstrates how to upload file to a RESTful web service. Using SoapUI for testing web services may hasten the development of an application since we do not need to wait for a working

Parse CSV file uploaded as MultipartFile using Apache Commons CSV

From MultiPartFile to Reader object [wp_ad_camp_5] The parse method only accepts a single object and you may need to convert the MultipartFile object to a Reader object. The MultipartFile class has the getInputStream() whose return value can be passed

Dropdowns in UI Grid

[wp_ad_camp_1] Using dropdowns in UI-Grid is two-fold. One, you define a filter that displays the labels of HTML’s SELECT values when the dropdown is not on focus or edit mode. The following Department labels are displayed using a filter. Second,