In JPA, the use of @Version allows us to use Optimistic Locking wherein no real locks are actually applied to the database when updating records.
Kotlin – Singleton
This post demonstrates how to create a Singleton object in Kotlin.
Should you use Mockito thenReturn or thenAnswer?
Should you use Mockito thenReturn or thenAnswer? It depends! The thenReturn returns the same value in every method run; while the thenAnswer does not. We use the former to return hard-coded values; while we use the latter for derived values.
Kotlin – Read file line by line from Classpath
This post shows how to leverage Java libraries (from our underlying JVM) to read file line by line from classpath using Kotlin. Also, IntelliJ IDE is used for this post but can easily be replicated in Eclipse.
Kotlin – Convert comma-separated String to a List
This post shows how to convert a comma-separated strings (CSVs) to a list and back. In Kotlin, we can create both immutable or mutable lists.
Kotlin – Check if a certain values exists in a list
This post shows examples of codes to check if certain values exists in a list.
Kotlin Enum examples
When we have a fixed set of predefined constants, it is considered a good practice grouping them in an enum type.
Maven – Create an executable jar
This post demonstrates how to create an executable in Apache Maven using maven-shade-plugin plugin.
Spring Boot, JPA/Hibernate for Java EE 6 Java Persistence API Developer Certified Expert 1Z0-898
If you are planning to take Java EE 6 Java Persistence API Developer Certified Expert (1Z0-898), this post is for you. It demonstrates how to create a sample application using Spring Boot, and JPA/Hibernate to aid in your study.
Render XML using Thymeleaf
This post demonstrates how to render an XML to a file from a given XML template using Spring Boot and Thymeleaf.