This post shows how to use Rust Rocket SQLX for MySQL for basic CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete) operations. Prerequisites For Building the Rust Application Based on Rocket We used the following items for this post. Rust Stable –
Rust – Connect to MySQL And Query For Data
This post is about connecting to MySQL from Rust.
Rust – Generate EPCIS 1.2 XML With Sample Codes
Processing a considerable number of large XML files may require a lot of memory and processing power. With Rust, we can create applications that process huge XML files with a relatively small memory footprint yet are still performant. This post
The Composite Design Pattern In Rust
This post shows how to use the Composite design pattern in Rust. Also, it offers a sample implementation with two levels of composition. For instance, we have a group of lists of products. The Composite Design Pattern Use Case Our
The Iterator Design Pattern Example In Rust
This post shows how to use the Iterator design pattern in Rust without using the Iterator trait or any crate. Suppose we have a struct with multiple collections of various types that implement the same trait. The Iterator Design Pattern
Chain of Responsibility Pattern Example In Rust
This post shows a simple implementation of the Chain of Responsibility pattern in Rust. For example, we have a set of struct instances that check for a file, read it, and finally, display it. We could imagine these instances as
Rust Owned And Borrowed Types
What are Owned and Borrowed types in Rust? To know these concepts, we need to understand first what Rust Ownership and Rust References. Get Your Head Around Rust Ownership When we talk about ownership in Rust, we generally mean –
What Are References In Rust And How To Use Them?
Understanding what references are in Rust and how to use them is crucial. A reference is a pointer to a memory location. A location where the data we’re interested in reside. A Rust reference is similar to the traditional pointers
Ways To Use Stack in Rust
There are several ways to implement or use a stack in Rust. A stack is a data structure that allows us to store data in LIFO (last-in-first-out). Rust has no stack data structure, but it offers data structures with similar
Rust – How to Compare Struct Instances With Traits
In Rust, we can compare if two struct instances are equivalent and whose respective field values are the same. However, doing so requires using traits. Equivalent vs. Partial Equivalent Before we proceed, let us differentiate between Equivalent and Partial Equivalent.