Sometimes we need to reuse stored procedures when moving to Spring Boot JPA/ORM because they still serve their purpose. We wouldn’t want to reinvent things but reuse them instead. Although stored procedures traditionally do not return data, we can use
Truncate MySQL Tables Before DBUnit Loads Data
This post shows how to truncate a table in MySQL before DbUnit loads data via @DatabaseSetup. Truncating the tables in the @Before method does not work because DBUnit loads the data first via @DatabaseSetup before delegating calls to a @Before
Aggregate gathered number of units using MySQL With Rollup
Aggregate gathered number of units using MySQL’s With Rollup
How to List a Specific number of Random Rows in MySQL
Let’s say you have a list of 10 items you want to display but these items are randomly chosen items. In MySQL, you use the rand() function in the ORDER BY clause. This article demonstrates how to list a specific number of random rows my MySQL.
This post shows an example of the MySQL INSERT IGNORE statement in the PostgreSQL version. There are good reasons why you should use PostgreSQL at the onset or migrate to it as soon as possible. One reason is you cannot
docker-compose.yml for MySQL For Local Development
This post provides a another basic docker-compose.yml .This time is to create a MySQL container with initial user accounts.
Mysqldump, Errorcode: 13, and Windows 7
In order to successfully export data from MySQL to some location in the same server host, the server application itself or the user account it runs on must have a write-access to the destination folder.
MySQL Output Format – XML and HTML Data
MySQL Output Format
Top n values without using a limit clause or its equivalent
Top n values without using a limit clause or its equivalent
docker-compose.yml For WordPress And MySQL
To set up WordPress and MySQL in no time and without installing them, here is a useful docker-compose.yml file. If you’re new to WordPress development, you’d probably installed XAMPP and MySQL on your Windows machine. You may not want to