Generics is one of the best things that happened to Java. Anyone who has worked with Java during its pre-JDK5 era can attest to that. For new developments, it has drastically reduced the amount of written codes and provided compile-time type checking using Generic Types. However, there are some things you cannot do with Generics Types.
Chapter 7: Java Classes And Access Modifiers – Review
Java classes and their variables and methods can use access modifiers – private, public, protected, and package-level (no keyword). These access modifiers set the classes’ visibility, constructors, and instance or class variables and methods to the other parts of the
Chapter 3: How To Write Your First Java Program
How to write your first Java program? If you’re starting out learning Java, this probably is the first question you’d ask yourself. But before writing a Java program, you need to install the Java Development Kit for your operating system,
Chapter 1: Introduction to Java as Language and Platform
When we say “Java,” we refer to the Oracle technology with two aspects – Java as a programming language and Java as a platform. Java as a programming language allows us to create Java programs, while Java as an environment
Chapter 4: Oracle JDK8 on Windows 10: Installation
This post demonstrates how to install Oracle JDK8 on Windows 10. Download JDK8 From Oracle First, go to and search for “Java JDK 8”. Then, click the link that says “Java SE Development Kit 8 – Downloads“. Once you’re
Chapter 5: Java Classes – The Blueprints And Building Blocks
In How To Write Your First Java Program, we installed an IDE and wrote a basic Java program. We also learned about the essential components of that program’s Java source codes – the keyword class and the main method. Here
Chapter 6: Java Object And Its Properties And Behaviors
We write codes that create Java objects from Java classes. These can have properties and behaviors. Properties are data with names; while, behaviors are the actions an object can perform on its properties. Consider the following Java class without properties
Chapter 8: Java Primitives in The OOP World
Java primitives are predefined basic data types that exist in the Java programming language. We do not need to create them as we would with our custom Java classes. What Are Basic Data Types in Java? Java primitive types hold
Chapter 2: Why You Should Learn Programming With Java
In the early 90s, Sun Microsystems developed and released the Java programming language. It is a general-purpose and high-level language that can run on various operating systems, like Windows, Mac OS, and UNIX platforms. This post gives an overview of