Rust, Software Development

10 Alternatives To The Defunct Actix-Web

People have started looking for ten alternatives to the now-defunct Actix-web since its demise. Some may end up forking Actix-web and evolve it into something uniquely theirs. Others may have started porting their applications to other frameworks or even out of Rust. In any case, we need to move on.

10 Alternatives To Actix-Web

We must not take these alternatives at face value. However, one of them may be the next step going forward.

CommitsRelsContribStarsIssuesLicensesCurrent Release Version / Date
Gotham130712411.5k50MIT, Apache (pre-release) /
July 15, 2019
Iron174581345.5k43MIT0.6.1 / Aug 15, 2019
Nickel64212542.7k46MIT0.9.0 / Sep 23, 2016
Rocket1285491448.7k106Apache / Dec 11, 2019
Rouille42102753924Apache 2.0None
Tide62210601.6k62Apache 2.00.51 / Dec 21, 2019
Tower Web226112678674MIT0.3.6 / Mar 14, 2019
Wrap38422641.5k57MIT0.2.0 / Jan 16, 2020
Yew1072139510.1k95Apache / Jan 6, 2020

Comparing to the other options, the now-defunct Actix-web had 3031 commits and 192 releases. The latest and last release was on January 10th, 2020. Also, 857 people forked it. If you are new to Rust and Actix-Web, you are better off choosing an alternative right now.

A Good Alternative To Actix-Web

From the ten alternatives, choose one and explore it. You would be surprised how some of them resemble the now-defunct Actix-Web.  People with existing applications using Actix-Web would know better which alternative to choose. It must have similar features to that of Actix-Web to minimize the effort of porting things over. Also, it must have proper documentation, and it is easy to use. Also, it must at least work with Rust stable and not just with Rust Nightly build.


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