Software Development

Eclipse Mars and Project Lombok

Correct Versions

For Eclipse Mars.2 Release (4.5.2), Lombok 1.16.16 works in generating those getters and setters. If you are new to  Project Lombok, chances are you’ve tried the wrong version of it for your Eclipse.

It will take a little research to know which version is compatible with your IDEA.

Installation Steps Still Work

In, there is a demo video. It also demonstrates how to set up Lombok on your machine for Eclipse.

The instructions are still valid, but you may need to double-check your Lombok and Eclipse version.

My Codes now use Lombok

The decision to use Lombok is due to the fact, I later realized, that I am developing a huge application alone. I did not see it coming. Therefore, my approach needs to be leaner with less typing, more flexible design, and maximum reusability on components.

By using an annotation, Lombok takes care of my POJOs by generating all the getters and setters among other things.


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