This post demonstrates how to set all the bean properties with values from .properties file using Spring Boot. We are not going to set them one at a time. We want to set them all at the same time using the following Spring annot
Truncate MySQL Tables Before DBUnit Loads Data
This post shows how to truncate a table in MySQL before DbUnit loads data via @DatabaseSetup. Truncating the tables in the @Before method does not work because DBUnit loads the data first via @DatabaseSetup before delegating calls to a @Before
Using @Conditional with @Configuration in Spring
Using @Conditional with @Configuration in Spring allows us to group @Bean objects loaded on a specific condition without resorting to using @Profile and too many @Bean/@Conditional. Requirements We used the following items for this post. Spring Boot 2.0.4.RELEASE JDK 8
Spring Boot – Publish and Consume Custom Application Events
This post shows how to implement the Observer Design Pattern using the facilities available from Spring Application Events. More importantly, it shows how to publish and consume custom application events in Spring Boot. Observer Design Pattern – Publish And Consume
Retry Operation at specific Exception using Spring Retry
Spring-Retry allows us to retry operations when the codes encounter exceptions. How do we limit the retries to specific exceptions only? For instance, we wouldn’t want to retry SOAP Web Service operations. The operations may throw exceptions due to invalid
Spring Dependency Injection Examples Without Spring Boot
The Spring Framework has come a long way. Nowadays, it is way easier to start a Java project with the Spring Framework using Spring Boot. In the past, we used to download Spring individual jar files and configure the dependencies
More Elegant way to Retry Operations in Java using Spring
This post talks about a better way to retry failed operations in Java using classes in Spring.
Using Spring Retry API
Did a method just throw an Exception? Well, we could re-invoke it a few times more before giving up using Spring’s Retry API. Last time we touched on BackOff and related interfaces and classes which is used in this API.
Autowire beans to a List in Spring using Java
This post is about how to auto-wire a set of beans to a list in Spring. Essentially, we need to add @bean’s to an list.
Render XML using Thymeleaf
This post demonstrates how to render an XML to a file from a given XML template using Spring Boot and Thymeleaf.