Sometimes we want to send values to our web application as the path of the URL (or URI) path. For example, /tenants/123 where value 123 represents a tenant Id. To independently access the value in Spring MVC, we use the
Spring Boot JPA – Stored Procedure With Select Statement
Sometimes we need to reuse stored procedures when moving to Spring Boot JPA/ORM because they still serve their purpose. We wouldn’t want to reinvent things but reuse them instead. Although stored procedures traditionally do not return data, we can use
Quickly Create a Spring Boot JDBC Application
We can create a Spring Boot application that uses JDBC as quickly as making its JPA variant without hassle. But no doubt, JDBC applications are much faster than those relying on ORM technology. For many, the idea of a JDBC
Quickly Create a Spring Boot JPA Application
Creating a new Spring Boot application that uses JPA is easy, straightforward, and does not involve complex configuration of any kind. You may have worked on other Spring Boot applications which you didn’t develop from scratch. Chances are those applications
Set all bean Properties with values from .properties file
This post demonstrates how to set all the bean properties with values from .properties file using Spring Boot. We are not going to set them one at a time. We want to set them all at the same time using the following Spring annot
Using @Conditional with @Configuration in Spring
Using @Conditional with @Configuration in Spring allows us to group @Bean objects loaded on a specific condition without resorting to using @Profile and too many @Bean/@Conditional. Requirements We used the following items for this post. Spring Boot 2.0.4.RELEASE JDK 8
Spring Boot – Publish and Consume Custom Application Events
This post shows how to implement the Observer Design Pattern using the facilities available from Spring Application Events. More importantly, it shows how to publish and consume custom application events in Spring Boot. Observer Design Pattern – Publish And Consume
How To Use WebFlux with Spring Boot
Using WebFlux with Spring Boot is straightforward and may not require changes when moving from Spring MVC. We will still use the same set of annotations like RestController and RequestMapping, to name a few. However, we use WebFlux to tap
Create Email in Spring Boot using Apache FreeMarker
Suppose our application needs to email in text or HTML format; how can we do that without changing a lot of codes? We use templates! Spring Boot makes it a lot easier working with Apache FreeMarker with FreeMarker Starter POMs.
Headstart Framework: Traceability For RESTful Calls
We can start small with the Headstart Framework and leverage its traceability for RESTful calls for Microservices. In a nutshell, traceability means we associate a unique identifier to an individual request. Also, this identifier can group related requests forming a