This post is about XML validation against more than one related XSDs – one XSD is included into the main XSD.
How to write XML in Kotin using DOM
This post demonstrates how to write XML files using DOM in Java.
Kotlin Tutorial
Kotlin is statically typed programming language for modern multi-platform applications. It is also 100% interoperable with Java and Android. Furthermore, it allows for concise, and null-safe codes.
Kotlin – val versus var
What is the difference between the keywords val and var in Kotlin? If you’re coming from Java, val refers to variable that cannot be updated after it has been assigned a value; while var is the usual writable variable whose value can always be changed by other codes.
Kotlin – create static fields and methods
This post demonstrates how to create static class members similar to that of Java. We use Kotlin 1.1 here
Kotlin – Extension Functions
An Extension Function is a function that is attached to an existing class and are invoked like member functions. For this post, we are using Kotlin 1.1.
Kotlin – How to use your Kotlin library in Java Maven projects
This post demonstrates how to use a Maven dependency written in Kotlin in a Java Maven project.
Kotlin – Overloading Constructors
This post demonstrates how to overload class constructors in Kotlin.
Kotlin – Compile and Run from Windows Command Line
This post demonstrates how to compile and run Kotlin from Windows Command Line. For Unix/Linux, it should be quite similar.
Kotlin – How to create Maven project for Kotlin
This post demonstrates how to create a Maven project for Kotlin as as library jar. Instead of a Java codes, we’ll only have Kotlin codes.