For the most part, this is a generic CSS/HTML tip but this article demonstrates how to display a red asterisk for labels in JSF for required fileds.
JSF – Individual Error Message for each field validated
This post demonstrates how to use individual error message for each field validated in JSF. Previously, we used “combined” error messages displayed in only one location on the page
JSF – Get HTTP Session Attribute
This post demonstrates how to retrieve a attribute from an HTTP Session object in JSF 2.
JSF – Check If User is Logged In with preRenderView
This post demonstrates how to check if user is logged in before the page is displayed to the user.
JSF – selectOneMenu example
This post shows sample codes that uses JSF html:selectOneMenu.
JSF – selectOneRadio example
This post shows sample codes that uses JSF html:selectOneRadio.
JSF – selectManyCheckbox example
This post shows sample codes that uses JSF html:selectManyCheckbox that allows users to select one or more items before submitting the form or page.
JSF – Basic Form Validation for Required Fields
[wp_ad_camp_5] This post demonstrates how to perform validation on required fields in JSF. Requirements Stuff used in this post. JSF 2.2 javax.faces-2.2.8.jar JDK 8 JSF Managed Bean This is our managed bean is a Java class annotated with @ManagedBean. The
JSF – Managed Bean Custom Validation Methods
This post demonstrates how to create customer validation methods in the same @ManagedBean class and use them accordingly.
JSF – Data Table Example
This post shows a sample usage of JSF Data Table to construct a basic HTML on a page. You can download the source codes from the GitHub link provided at the very bottom of this page.