Software Development

How to find objects with specific properties in a List using Apache Commons Collections

You overridden your JavaBean class’ hashCode and equals methods so you can easily find (and manipulate) objects in a list. Now most properties are used in those methods. But what if you want to search for a list of objects by one or two properties only? Surely, you do not need to create a “search” object and set all its properties with values. Will you resort to loop and conditional statements? Will you modify the hashCode and equals methods? To introduce the least possible codes and/or not modify existing JavaBeans, we could use Predicate interface in conjunction with ListUtils from Apache Commons Collection.

Software Development

Reuse JPA entity classes from a Jar file

Background [wp_ad_camp_1] Let’s say you had your application in one single Maven project as a prototype and decided to finalize the functionality into a finished (or almost, e.g., Alpha or Beta version) product. When you have JPA entities and you

Software Development

How to get HttpServletRequest Object in JSF

So you’re using JSF and Spring. You thought your application is modern but then you hit a showstopper bug from either library that you could not retrieve the request parameters. Time to use some old-school Servlet/JSP API. This article demonstrates how to retrieve HttpServletRequest object in JSF.

Software Development

How to create Maven project in Eclipse

Background This article demonstrates how create a Maven project in Eclipse. [wp_ad_camp_3] Software Environment Windows 7 Professional SP1 Java 1.7 (1.7.0_67 – Windows x86) Eclipse Kepler Dependecy Testing Apache Commons Lang 3 (3.3.2) Apache Commons IO (2.4) Create Maven Project