This blog demonstrates how to build/install maven projects in separate directories in Travis CI via
Using TimeUnit instead of Thread.sleep()
This post demonstrates how to use TimeUnit as a replacement to the usual and out-dated way to pausing thread via Thread.sleep().
Java – Copy array by range
This post will show you how to copy a subset elements of an array by range. For example, copy elements from index 3 to 4 (exclusive). The range values work in the same way as the String’s substring method.
Java Compare Multidimensional Arrays Of Reference Types
This post shows how to compare two multidimensional arrays of reference types in Java. The codes will examine if they are the same in terms of element values and their locations. For example, we want to compare a modified array
Java 8 – Redeclare default methods
In Java, you can extend from another interface using the extends keyword. But Java 8 has default methods. What happens if we extend another interface that has the same default methods as our interface?
It gets re-declared in the “child” interface.
Java – Beyond String Pool
The String Pool is a location in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that collects all the literal Strings from your codes. Java keeps unique Strings for reuse.
Spring Boot + Spring Security with Multiple Login Forms and User Types
I’m working on some personal project that handles 4 different user types (e.g., students, instructors, registrar employees, security personnel). Each user type are stored in a separate user table. With this, I require four (4) login forms.
Java – Get a directory’s size
There’s a few ways to get a directory’s size.
Understanding Java Security Manager in 5 minutes or less
General Idea The general idea of Java Security Manager is to restrict what an application can do. This is important as it provides a separate environment for programs to do whatever they do without affecting the host system or other
Create JSF2 application with Eclipse Mars
Create a JSF2 application with the new Eclipse Mars and Java 8.