Ways to Create Temporary Files In Rust

Creating temporary files in Rust is sometimes essential when we need to use the files once or cache data for a short time. We then let the operating system delete the files at a later time automatically or by its

Rust dev-dependencies and dependencies

In any codebase, some codes are not for the end-users. Meaning, they do not become part of the final application – be it for QA or production environment. They are codes for testing (e.g., unit tests) and building the app

Java String – Convert or Parse to Primitive int

There are several ways to convert or parse Java Strings to int values. In Java, Integer values come in various types. We have the primitives long, int, short, and byte; and, we have equivalent Wrapper classes Long, Integer, Short and

Compare Dates In Java That Are Of Different Date Types

As of Java 8, there are at least three different types of dates available for developers. As a result, the usage of these various types of dates sometimes causes problems, especially when we compare dates in Java. We perform dates

IntelliJ IDEA And Ballerina Plugin Configuration

This post shows how to install Ballerina and OpenJDK 8 using ZIP distributions, add on its IntelliJ plugin, and create a Ballerina project in Intellij IDEA. We are going to use OpenJDK 8 because Ballerina 1.2.6 only works on that