This post shows how to configure a Topic and manually send test emails using Amazon Simple Notification Service from the AWS Console.
Provision a Server (EC2) on AWS
This post demonstrates how to provision a service (EC2) on AWS.
How to Add Android SDK in IntelliJ IDEA
This post demonstrates how to add an Android SDK in IntelliJ IDEA.
Modify XML Element Content in Java using XSLT
This post demonstrates how to modify some parts of the XML content in Java using XSLT. The example herein is rather straight-forward but will provide us a basic working codes before going further to learn the more advanced stuff.
Java, XSLT, and XML with Namespaces
When a XML uses namespaces, they need to be declared and used in the .xsl file so that the javax.xml.transform.Transformer knows how to deal with various elements in the XML. This post demonstrates how to deal with namespaces when performing transformation from or on XMLs.
JSF – Get HTTP Session Attribute
This post demonstrates how to retrieve a attribute from an HTTP Session object in JSF 2.
JSF – selectOneMenu example
This post shows sample codes that uses JSF html:selectOneMenu.
JSF – selectOneRadio example
This post shows sample codes that uses JSF html:selectOneRadio.
JSF – selectManyCheckbox example
This post shows sample codes that uses JSF html:selectManyCheckbox that allows users to select one or more items before submitting the form or page.
JSF – Basic Form Validation for Required Fields
[wp_ad_camp_5] This post demonstrates how to perform validation on required fields in JSF. Requirements Stuff used in this post. JSF 2.2 javax.faces-2.2.8.jar JDK 8 JSF Managed Bean This is our managed bean is a Java class annotated with @ManagedBean. The