It is now possible to show Rust dependencies using Cargo. Before Rust 1.44.0, there was not a built-in method to display a dependency graph. There was a plugin, though, called cargo-tree. Show Rust Dependencies Using Cargo-tree With the cargo-tree plugin,
Working with Actix-Web HTTP Requests
When working with Actix-Web, we sometimes need to access incoming HTTP requests to inspect for some values. In that case, we need to use the HttpRequest struct either in request handlers and middlewares. Cargo.toml We will use the following dependencies
Send HTTP Responses From Actix-Web
Learning how to send HTTP responses from Actix-web to clients will help us craft the responses according to our needs. For instance, we could send JSON responses for specific URIs. Although we could just set the response content type and
The Into and Unwrap Methods In Rust
Developers new to Rust probably have encountered the into and unwrap method calls several times in sample codes. At first sight, these calls may appear puzzling to them. So, where do we use these methods? Chances are these methods that
Actix-Web In Ubuntu Docker Container Not Accessible
An Actix-Web application in an Ubuntu Docker container may not be accessible from the host operating system. For non-production codes and configuration, it may be due to two factors. Actix-Web Is Not Accessible in Docker Container Due to Rust Codes
Deploy Actix-Web In Docker Container
We can deploy a Rust application based on the Actix-Web framework in a Docker container when we are coding in Windows. In this post, we compile Rust codes on Windows but deploy the application to an Ubuntu 18.04 Docker image.
Ways to Create Temporary Files In Rust
Creating temporary files in Rust is sometimes essential when we need to use the files once or cache data for a short time. We then let the operating system delete the files at a later time automatically or by its
Rust dev-dependencies and dependencies
In any codebase, some codes are not for the end-users. Meaning, they do not become part of the final application – be it for QA or production environment. They are codes for testing (e.g., unit tests) and building the app
Swap Between Vec Elements in Rust
Swapping between Vec elements in Rust can be a little tricky. The get method returns Option<&T>, and the lone swap method accepts an index and a value – not a reference. There is an alternative, though. But it uses unsafe codes.