The solutions to things are just out there awaiting discovery. You just need to dig a little bit deeper and do a research. When you combine PDFs using tools like Pdftk or Apache PDFBox, fonts get accumulated and they have, specially embedded ones, direct impact on merged PDF file’s size.
How foreach Interacts with Iterator interface
How foreach Interacts with Iterator interface
How to Configure a JDBC Resource in SAP NetWeaver AS
Background [wp_ad_camp_1] SAP NetWeaver AS, like other Application Servers for Java, has a facility to configure JDBC resources that can be used by Web Dynpro for Java applications running within it recommends using the latest available version of the
Prevent Remote Access to Apache Web Server
Background [wp_ad_camp_1] You downloaded and installed XAMPP for some research or experiment but do not want other people in the same network to have access to the local XAMPP web console. This can be achived using one of Apache HTTP
How to read files line by line in PHP
Background [wp_ad_camp_1] PHP is not as bad as other people would think. Sometimes it is easier to do things in PHP than in, say, Java. Consider reading a text file line by line and parsing each pipe-delimited line. Hardware Environment
How to programmatically add elements to a value node in Web Dynpro for Java
Background [wp_ad_camp_1] This article demonstrates how to programmatically add elements to a node value. Web Dynpro has this concept of context programming. A context is a hierarchical tree data structure that can consist of nodes where each node can represent
Simple PHP SOAP Client Example
Background This article demonstrates how to create an SOAP client using PHP and consume a SOAP-based web service [wp_ad_camp_1] Hardware Environment n/a Software Environment Windows 7 Professional SP1 PHP 5.5.9 / Zend Engine v2.5.0 Find a free Web Service Online
Mysqldump, Errorcode: 13, and Windows 7
In order to successfully export data from MySQL to some location in the same server host, the server application itself or the user account it runs on must have a write-access to the destination folder.
Configure Netbeans to Debug PHP Web Applications
Figuring out how to configure NetBeans, xdebug, PHP, and Apache to enable debugging did not come by easily despite the myriad references available online. However, most (if not all) of them are outdated, and inaccurate. As a result, they tend to obscure a rather simple configuration or how-to.
IBM Tivoli Netcool/Portal – Basic XML Programming
IBM Tivoli Netcool/Portal – Basic XML Programming