Do you remember your first programming assignment in college? Most like it is one of those simple Mathematics like get the min and max values from a given list. How about from a list of objects?
Java Primitive Float And Double – What’s the difference?
Any floating-point literal in Java is by default of a double type.
Java – How to pass argument string with spaces to Java
The way you run your application in Java is by invoking java followed by the class name (without the .class extension).
Java – Check for file or directory
The class can be used to check for files or directory.
Java – Compare XML files using XMLUnit
Here, we’ll be using XMLUnit from in a Maven project.
Java – Validate CSV using SuperCSV with custom CsvColumnProcessor
[wp_ad_camp_1] Validating CSV is super easy with SuperCSV and it will save your day. Assume that we have a requirement from the management to validate new employee data coming from different parts of the United States with the following constraints.
Java – Run application without classpath using Extension Mechanism
In Java, it is possible to “extend” your currently installed JRE in a way that your classes are loaded automatically thereby removing the need to specify them in the classpath. This is done using Java’s Extension Mechanism. [wp_ad_camp_1] Below is
Group JUnit Test Cases using @Suite.SuiteClasses
Grouping Unit Tests [wp_ad_camp_5] At times there are certain set of unit tests we want to execute automatically. These tests may be critical or have been simply grouped for some reasons. To group JUnit test cases, we use @Suite.SuiteClasses annotation.
Parse CSV file using Apache Commons CSV
Why use CSV files? [wp_ad_camp_5] Sometimes we process data in bulk by reading them from files with specific format like CSV. This article demonstrates how to parse a CSV file using Apache Commons CSV. A CSV is a file format
Upload file using SOAP UI
Upload file using SOA UI This article demonstrates how to upload file to a RESTful web service. Using SoapUI for testing web services may hasten the development of an application since we do not need to wait for a working