Docker For Developers – Get Up To Speed Real Fast!

Docker is for developers! Welcome to Turreta’s Docker For Developers – Get Up To Speed Real Fast! This tutorial helps developers leverage Docker as a development tool to set up local environments quickly and help developers get up to speed with development quickly.

If you are using Docker for development, you are fantastic!

Intended Audience

The “Docker For Developers – Get Up To Speed Real Fast!” tutorial is for experienced developers who are familiar with the Docker platform but are not necessarily experts.

KeyCloak Docker Container

KeyCloak is a web application that incorporates security into your applications. It provides authentication and authorization to applications and secure services with minimum fuss. Moreover, it provides features such as User Federation, Identity Brokering, and Social Login.

Docker For Developers

However, natively installing and configuring KeyCloak is not easy. Choosing the KeyCloak Docker container instead will simplify our development workflow. Read More.

SFTP Docker Container from Atmoz

Are you working on an application that uploads and downloads files to and from an SFTP server? If so, you do not need to install any SFTP server on your machine. Spin up an instance of an SFTP Docker container from Atmoz.

Due to corporate policies, many cannot install SFTP servers on their machines. We may have no permission to do so. Also, some people do not want their systems cluttered by installing applications they seldom use. Read More.

WordPress And MySQL Docker Containers

To set up WordPress and MySQL in no time and without installing them, here is a proper docker-compose.yml file. Are you new to WordPress development? You probably installed XAMPP and MySQL.

If you are keeping your system running in tip-top condition, you may not want to install those applications. You may not like these servers running when you do not need them. Spin up WordPress and MySQL Docker containers instead! – Read More.

PostgreSQL Docker Containers

This post provides a basic docker-compose.yml to create a PostgreSQL container with an initial user account with a password. Read More.


PgAdmin And PostgreSQL Docker Containers

This post shows how to startup both PgAdmin and PostgreSQL Docker containers in a bridge network. Read More.

MySQL Docker Container

This post provides another basic docker-compose.yml. It creates a MySQL container with initial user accounts. Read More.

MariaDB Docker Container

This post provides another basic docker-compose.yml. It creates a MariaDB container with initial user accounts. Read More.

Deploy Java CLI Application to Docker Image

With Docker, we can create portable Java CLI applications for various environments by pre-building container images. This could make deployment more manageable and less messy, particularly in Production environments. Read Me.

Build an Ubuntu 18.04 Docker Image And Update It

This post covers building an Ubuntu Docker image locally and later updating the operating system. Read More.

Install Docker in Red Hat Enterprise Linux and AWS EC2

This post shows how to install Docker in Red Hat Enterprise Linux AWS EC2. Installing Docker in an AWS EC2 requires an AWS account and some familiarity with AWS Machine Images (AMIs) and provisioning EC2 instances. Read More.

Install Artifactory in Red Hat Enterprise Linux and AWS EC2

This post demonstrates installing Artifactory in Red Hat Enterprise Linux in an AWS EC2 instance. Read More.
