Java, Software Development

iReport 2.0.0 Page Numbers and Page Count

This post shows how to create a jasper report using iReport that displays page numbers and page count, e.g., 1/10. Moreover, the iReport will show the page numbers and page count on top of the pages.

iReport 2.0.0 and other requirements

We used the following items for this post.

  • Windows 7 Professional SP1
  • Eclipse – Kepler Release
  • Java 1.7 (1.7.0_67 – Windows x86)
    1. NOTE: Set source target and level is Java 1.6
    2. We have not tested it yet with source target and level 1.7
  • JasperReport 3.1.4
  • iReport 2.0

Using iReport 2.0 To Display Page Numbers and Count

iReport 2.0.0 is ancient, but it serves its purpose, at least, in the application I maintain. It is so old I started to think I was hitting an unresolved bug while struggling to generate the correct page numbers and count. But I was wrong.

To generate something like “1 / 2″, i. e., page one of two pages, use only $V{PAGE_NUMBER} for each number evaluated at Page Time and Report Time.


Evaluate at Page Time



Evaluate at Report Time


Notice the report we generated using iReport – it displays the current page and the total page count.


Sample generated PDF

This is also, of course, applicable to later versions of iReports.


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